On December, 1st (Sat) Ogura Clutch Group held the 2nd Annual International Competition of QC Circles.
Five oversea divisions competed in the competition: Ogura Corporation (USA), Ogura Clutch Dongguan Co. Ltd (China), Ogura Clutch Wuxi / Changxing Co., Ltd. (China), Ogura Clutch Thailand Co., Ltd. and Ogura Clutch India PVT. LTD. Ogura Clutch Japan sent two teams: one from the No. 1 plant and the other from Akabori plant. These seven teams made presentations on their QC improvement activities.
The common theme for all teams was the productivity and quality improvements. All teams showcased various unique improvement activities, but in particular the team from Ogura Clutch Thailand CO., LTD, Mupa Circle who utilized improvement methods such as ECRS (Eliminate, Combine, Rearrange, Simplify) and Process Balance with performance indexes such as Man-hour per Piece and Process OEE, was recognized as the winner and awarded the champion trophy by Mr. Ogura. The Excellence Award plaques were awarded to other six teams as well at the conclusion of the competition.